Nuclear Medicine

All kinds of scintigraphic examinations are made in the department of nuclear medicine. Erythrocythe mass examinations are also made by the same department. Nuclear medicine scrunities are simple and don’t disturb the patients. These techniques give detailed informations about organ systems and functions and used for disease diagnosis, treatment guiding and patient follow-up.

In scintigraphic techniques, compounds containing different radioactive subtances are given intravenously in very small doses or orally, depending on the organ to be examined.

 Examinations can be made on children even in the newborn period. Pregnants are not examined except in rare circumstances. Generally, the scanning is made after a certain waiting period. A waiting – period changes between 15 minutes and 4 hours depending on the features of the test. A waiting – period is  3- 7 days for some private examinations. An imaging which is known as gamma camera is used in a special system. This imaging system doesn’t produce radiation, records the gamma rays from the radioactive material previously given to the patient. A medical doctor who is specialized in Nuclear medicine, evaluates functional images. Scintigraphic examinations of many organs are performed. (Brain, thyroid, parathyroid, bone, breast, heart, lung, liver, biliary tract, kidney etc.)